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List with product tiles

This guide describes setting up the List with product tiles section.

Use the section to set how collections are displayed, with product tiles, on the Collections list page.

An example List with product tiles section on a store's Collections list page.

The previous image shows a List with product tiles section on a store's Collections list page. In the center left, the section's Layout radio buttons are set to Grid. On the right, this setting arranges the store's Rings and Necklaces collection items (tiles) into a grid layout.

For general guidance with modifying sections, refer to Sections overview, and Shopify help: Sections and blocks.

Set up a list with product tiles section

To set up a List with product tiles section:

  1. Go to Customize theme.

    In Theme editor, at the top of the page, use the dropdown to select the Collections list page.


    The section is available only on Collections list pages.

  2. From the side menu, select List with product tiles.

    The List with product tiles section selected in Theme editor.

  3. Select a setting described in the following table.

Setting nameDescription
LayoutSelect the Layout radio buttons to set the section's layout style to Grid or Cascade. The Grid option arranges (collection) tiles into a grid. The Cascade option displays the tiles in a cascading layout.
Show link to collectionSelect the checkbox Show link to collection to show/hide a link, inside the section, to the entire collection (page) for each collection.
Show collection descriptionsSelect the checkbox Show collection descriptions to show/hide collection description text inside the section. This setting does not apply if (collection) blocks are used.
Grid > Number of productsUse the dropdown Number of products to set the total number of items (collections) to display inside the section. The options are: 3, 4, 6, or 8 collections. This settings applies only when the Layout option is set to Grid.
Grid > Enable carousel on mobileSelect the checkbox Enable on mobile to turn on/off carousel mode. With this setting enabled the section's (collection) tiles are displayed as a carousel (slideshow) on mobile devices. Refer to Shopify help: Slideshow This settings applies only when the Layout option is set to Grid.
Grid > Enable carousel on desktopSelect the checkbox Enable on desktop to turn on/off carousel mode. With this setting enabled the section's (collection) tiles are displayed as a carousel (slideshow) on desktop devices. Refer to Shopify help: Slideshow This settings applies only when the Layout option is set to Grid.
Cascade > Number of productsAdjust the slider Number of products to set the total number of items (collections) to display inside the section. The slider values range from 2 to 10. This settings applies only when the Layout option is set to Cascade.
Cascade > Feature full width productsSelect the checkbox Feature full width products to turn on/off displaying (collection) tiles at full width inside the section. With this setting off, a mix of half width and full width tiles are displayed. This settings applies only when the Layout option is set to Cascade.
Cascade > Desktop layoutSelect the Desktop layout radio buttons to set a layout style for the section's cascading content area. The options are Single column or Two columns. This setting applies to desktop display devices, and requires setting the layout option to "Cascade".
Cascade > Enable cascade layout on mobileSelect the checkbox Enable cascade layout on mobile to show/hide the section's cascading content area on mobile displays. This settings applies only when the Layout option is set to Cascade.
Cascade > Vertical space between itemsSelect the dropdown Vertical space between items to set a size for the vertical space between (collection) tiles in the section's cascading content area. The options are: Same as theme settings, Small, Medium, and Large. Setup defaults for this setting in Theme Settings > Cascading content. This settings applies only when the Layout option is set to Cascade.
Media > Variation between media sizesSelect the dropdown Variation between media sizes to make the sizes of (collection) tiles more or less varied, inside the section's cascading content area. The options are: Same as theme settings, None, Low, Medium, and High (amount of variation). If set to None, all tiles are displayed at the same size. Setup defaults for this setting in Theme Settings > Cascading content.
Media > SequenceAdjust the Sequence slider to set how (collection) tiles are resized, inside the section's cascading content area. In the section's cascading content area, tiles are resized according to a sequence. Adjust the slider between 1 and 5 to change the sequence.
Color > Color schemeUse the Color scheme options to select a color scheme for the section. Refer to Colors.
Color > Alternate color schemeUse the Alternate color scheme dropdown to set the section's alternative color scheme to Primary, Secondary, or Tertiary. The alternative color scheme is applied to every second collection tile, inside the section. To turn off the alternative color scheme, select Same. Refer to Colors.
Theme settingsIf available, select Theme settings to access additional settings for the section. Refer to Section theme settings menu.
Custom CSSSelect Custom CSS. In the box, enter custom CSS styles to apply only to the current section. Refer to Shopify help: Add custom CSS. To apply custom styles to your entire online store, refer to Theme settings > Custom CSS.

Configure a block within a list with product tiles section

A default List with product tiles section contains no (collection) blocks. To configure a block inside the section:

  1. Go to Customize theme.

    In Theme editor, at the top of the page, use the dropdown to select the Collections List page.

  2. From the side menu, expand the List with product tiles section menu.

  3. To configure an existing block, select the block from the side menu.

    To add a new block, select Add collection, and then select the block you added.

    The List with product tiles section's Add block menu in Theme editor.


    Inside the section, you can add, remove, show, hide, or move blocks. Refer to Configure blocks inside a section, and Shopify help: Sections and blocks.

  4. Apply a setting described in the following table.

Setting nameDescription
HeadingIn the Heading box, enter text to display as a heading (title) inside the block.
Heading > Insert dynamic sourceIf available, to display (heading) text from a dynamic source, if available, select the icon Insert dynamic source beside the Heading box, and then choose a metafield to add. Refer to Shopify help: Metafields.
CollectionUse the following Collection selector options to set up a collection inside the block.
  • To add a collection, choose Select collection, and then select a collection from your store.
  • To create a new collection, choose Select collection, and then follow the Create collection link to open the Create collection page in your Shopify admin. Refer to Shopify help: Collections.
  • To replace a collection, choose Change > Change collection, and then select a new collection.
  • To remove a collection, select Change > Remove collection.
SubheadingIn the Subheading box, enter text to display as subheading text inside the block. Format the text, and/or add links, using the Text editor pane.
Subheading > Insert dynamic sourceTo display subheading text from a dynamic source, if available, select the Insert dynamic source icon beside the Subheading box, and then choose a metafield to add. Refer to Shopify help: Metafields.
Remove blockSelect Remove block to delete the block from the current section.