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Exhibit photographs

Label's image display features are designed to support storytelling and showcasing for visual brands, with a capacity for large catalogs. You can feature high resolution images, at full-width, on store pages as single photos (with or without text), within image galleries, in lookbooks, or as part of a slideshow. The following list describes the main ways to display images in Label.

  • Gallery. Display a gallery of images on a store page. Refer to Gallery.


  • Gallery with text. Display a gallery of images, with titles and descriptive text, on a store page. Refer to Gallery with text.


  • Image with text. Display an image side-by-side with text on a store page. Refer to Image with text.


  • Image with text overlay. Display an image overlaid with text on a store page. Refer to Image with text overlay.


  • Lookbook with image. Compile photographs into a lookbook to display on a store page. Refer to Lookbook with image.


  • Slideshow. Display a collection of images as a slideshow on a store page. Refer to Slideshow.
